Cooperate with us

We are reliable partners for short-term and long-term research. We can transfer know-how and we are a certified workplace for expert activities. We support the implementation of bachelor's and master's theses in the industrial environment and in companies.
Study area
Find out moreScience and research
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Study area
Topics of student projects
We will help your company get talented students for your project. Whether in the diploma thesis or in professional practice. You will also have the opportunity to select suitable candidates for job positions in your company. Contact the study advisor doc. Jana Kolářová, Ph.D., who will discuss all the details with you.
Lectures and seminars
lectures and seminars by experts from practice are always welcome with us. Become an authority in presenting new information and gain an edge over the competition by establishing contacts. Contact doc. Radim Kolář, Ph.D., with whom you can plan the topic, date and overall form of the event.
Excursions and competitions
our institute participates in a number of excursions and competitions for high school students, which bring technology closer to talents with a passion for science. The red diplomas in the hands of former excursionists are proof that we can develop the talent of high school students. Contact Ing. Oto Janoušek, Ph.D. and find out what we can offer your students.
Teaching process support
our graduates have long demonstrated excellent knowledge in the field. Of course, this cannot be done without a quality educational process and teaching in laboratories. Lectures in selected professional subjects or support in acquiring unique equipment and technologies for laboratories is another possible area of cooperation. We will be happy if you contact us to come up with a suitable form of cooperation. Head of the department prof. Ivo Provazník, Ph.D., will provide you with details on possible cooperation in this area.

Science and research
Academic research
Are you looking for a research partner or do you need advice on your project? Contact doc. Radim Kolář, Ph.D. and find out what we can help you with effectively. We can submit and implement grants (eg TACR, GACR, MPO) with a time horizon of 2 or more years. We focus on a number of research areas from the development of algorithms and methodologies for signal processing and analysis to statistical evaluation of acquired data or software development. We are experts in the field of optics and the use of light radiation not only in biomedicine, but also in biometrics, transport and the automotive industry. Our research teams understand the academic and industrial environment and the broad background of the technical university guarantees a smooth solution of partial research tasks. Thanks to cooperation with other faculties (especially the Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) and a number of other academic or scientific workplaces (Masaryk University, Institute of Instrumentation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, University of Chemical Technology, etc.) we are able to perform comprehensive research and development.
Contract research
We create applications for spectrophotometry, microscopy, for the use of industrial and scientific cameras together with computer vision. We also focus on the use of smartphones and wearable electronics for applications related to quality of life, health or physical activity. The development of analog and digital hardware using microcontrollers is a matter of course. In the field of bioinformatics, we focus on the analysis and processing of biological sequences, especially the assembly and annotation of genomes, comparative genomics and proteomics, and the analysis of metagenomic and metabolomics data. In the field of biochemistry, we are developing new tools for data processing from planar gel and capillary chip electrophoresis. Contact doc. Radim Kolář, Ph.D.
Measurement and analytical activity
We offer specialized measurements using our technical equipment, including subsequent analysis and processing of measured data. Contact doc. Radim Kolář, Ph.D.
Consulting activities
We provide one-time training for smaller teams and transfer of know-how in various areas of biomedical engineering. Contact doc. Radim Kolář, Ph.D.
Expert opinions and expert activity
We will prepare expert opinions on devices or procedures in the field of healthcare or biology. We provide expert activities according to the register of the Ministry of Justice in the fields of Biomedical Engineering (medical devices and systems, medical technology for diagnostics and therapy, evaluation of its technical parameters - in the field of Electrical Engineering and Cybernetics) and Gauges and measuring technology in healthcare - in the field of Metrology. Contact doc. Radim Kolář, Ph.D.