Main research areas
- Measurement and analysis of biosignals, including clinical biosignals.
- Development of diagnostic algorithms in cardiology, including the use of AI.
- Health and activity monitoring using smartphones and wearables.
- Assessment of stress in drivers and soldiers and determination of anxiety in phobic patients.
- Utilization of biosignals in biofeedback and virtual reality.
Main practical research results
- Brno University of Technology ECG Quality Database (BUT QDB) - an annotated database for the assessment of ECG signal quality.
- Brno University of Technology ECG Signal Database with Annotations of P Wave (BUT PDB) - a database of ECG recordings with expert annotations of P waves.
- Brno University of Technology Smartphone PPG Database (BUT PPG) - a database for the assessment of PPG recordings.
Main research publications
- Reliable P wave detection in pathological ECG signals
- Monitoring of heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, and blood pressure using a smartphone
- Real-Time Quality Assessment of Long-Term ECG Signals Recorded by Wearables in Free-Living Conditions
- Di-4-ANEPPS modulates electrical activity and progress of myocardial ischemia in rabbit isolated heart
- Multi-stage SVM approach for cardiac arrhythmias detection in short single-lead ECG recorded by a wearable device
Projects/Industrial contracts
Advanced Signal Processing Framework for Sensor Networks
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Project leader
Project beginning
Project leader
Health and activity monitoring by wearables in extreme conditions
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Project leader
Rozvoj komunikačních kompetencí novou vzdělávací metodikou, vycházející z objektivního hodnocení biosignálů performera a recipienta.
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Project leader
Vývoj modelů pro víceúrovňovou klasifikaci poruch srdečního rytmu v EKG záznamech
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Project leader